nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 通常版[再生産]

nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 通常版[再生産] (このタイトルの関連商品)

ブランド: fripSide(このブランドの作品一覧)
定価: ¥18,800 (税込¥20,680)
発売日: 2011/01/28
メディア: AUDIO-CD 10枚組
JANコード: 4933032005988
品番: SCFS-0901〜0910
予約締切 2011/01/05
サブジャンル: アーティスト(CD)PCゲーム(CD) [一覧]




・Internet Explorer 9.x
・Firefox バージョン30
・Chrome バージョン34.x.x
・Adobe Flash Player バージョン13
・Micrososft Silverlight バージョン3.0




■Disc1:first odyssey of fripside

01. introduction
02. distant moon
03. come to mind
04. Love to Sing
05. Colorless fate
06. your ocean -azure reproduct mix-
07. be sure...-album mix-
08. bright days
09. in the future -side02-
10. end game

■Disc2:2nd fragment of fripSide

01. second fragment
02. sky
03. transitory orbit
04. message
05. save me again
06. belief
07. stellar
08. Detour -fripSide edition-
09. crying moon
10. storm of sorrow

■Disc3:3rd refrection of fripSide

01. an evening calm
02. reminiscense blue
03. nostalgia
04. transient wind
05. vanity destroyer -fripSide edition-
06. velocity -fripSide+vin-PRAD-
07. splash emotion
08. colors of summer dream
09. planet illusion
10. sky -sLab reproduct mix-
11. bright days -version2005-
12. distant moon -version2005-

01. binary digit
02. hurting heart
03. misery
04. prominence -version2007-
05. refine progress
06. heat your wave
07. libration crisis
08. never no astray
09. transient wind -version2007-
10. dream myself!
11. true eternity -album version-
12. brave new world

■Disc5:Rabbit Syndrome

01. あっせんぶる☆LOVEさんぶる/fripSide NAO project!
02. せな★せな@Surprise!!/fripSide NAO project!
03. Rabbit Syndrome/fripSide NAO project!
04. こんいろ∞トキメキ!!〜着せたら脱がさない〜/fripSide NAO project!
05. かがやけ!dreamin’ガール/fripSide NAO project!
06. こいびと☆アクセント!!/fripSide NAO project!
07. Wireless Cosmic/fripSide NAO project!
08. リバーシブルロマンス/fripSide NAO project!
09. HAPPYジェネレーション/fripSide NAO project!
10. せな★せな@Surprise!!-生物RMX-/fripSide NAO project!
11. あっせんぶる☆LOVEさんぶる-R.S.PV RMX-/fripSide NAO project!

■Disc6:split tears

01. before dawn daybreak
02. split tears
03. praying over (album version)
04. magicaride
05. fictional moon (album version)
06. snow blind (album version)
07. snow blind -after-
08. spiral of despair
09. escape -version2008-
10. tomorrow
11. eternal twinkle

■Disc7:fripSide Re:product mixies ver0.2

01. hurting heart/ju-ri-mix
02. Red -reduction division-/sat vs tkm RMX ver.2.1
03. magicaride/kai Re:product RMX
04. vanity destroyer/tkm Re:product RMX
05. spiral of despair/tkm Re:product RMX
06. an evening calm/kai Re:product RMX
07. Red -reduction division-/sat vs tkm RMX
08. before dawn daybreak -phantoms RMX-

■Disc8:very best&Unpublished side1

01. Red -reduction division-
02. the chaostic world
03. true eternity
04. crescendo
05. fictional moon
06. absolute one
07. melody -reset+fripSide-
08. come to mind -short version-
09. Love to sing -R&T factory Remix-
10.crying moon -acoustic version- the future sure
13.Your Ocean
■Disc9:Unpublished side2

01. holy night magic
02. a little christmas time
03. promise
04. cheer up forever
05. ないしょ思春期/fripSide NAO project!
06. せな★せな@ultimate!!/fripSide NAO project!
07. every day⇔every way!/fripSide NAO project!
08. こいびと☆アクセント!!-remix edition-/fripSide NAO project!
09. Red Data Girl/fripSide NAO project!

■Disc10:Unpublished side3

01. grand blue
02. grace of summer
03. feeling trust
04. prominence
05. snow blind
06. colorless fate -erica 2007-(DEMO)
07. piece of azure
08. my graduation
09. hurting heart -nao piano arrange-

Produced by Satoshi Yaginuma
《fripSide 2002-2009》
Satoshi Yaginuma:Synthesizer
Mastering Engineer:Naomi Sassa(memory-tech)
Art Direction&Graphic Design:Yohei Miyata(Graphica3810)
Management Office:elseena-music entertainment
Airtist Management:Tamotsu Motokura(elseena-music entertainment)
Airtist Management:Kei Miyahara(elseena-music entertainment)
Public Relation:Kazuyoshi Shimada(RSK Co.,Ltd.)
Creative Coordinator:Sumiko Takahashi(Visual Art’s)
Movie Creator:RIFF*RAFF
Executive Producer:Takahiro Baba(Visual Art’s)
Executive Supervisor,A&R:Koji Uehara(Visual Art’s)
《special thanks》
friends,family and all fans!!


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