FictionJunction 2010-2013 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE 2

FictionJunction 2010-2013 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE 2 (このタイトルの関連商品)

ブランド: ビクターエンタテインメント(このブランドの作品一覧)
定価: ¥3,241 (税込¥3,565)
発売日: 2015/06/03
メディア: AUDIO-CD
JANコード: 4580325319750
品番: VTCL-60397
サブジャンル: アーティスト(CD) [一覧]
(DISC 1)
3: 秘密
4: sweet memories
[※vol.#6 2010.5.16 @なんばHatch]
5: hepatica
6: godsibb
7: a song of storm and fire
8: ring your song
9: 時の向こう 幻の空
[※vol.#6 2010.5.30 @YOKOHAMA BLITZ]
10: Elenore
11: MADLAX Mix
12: cazador del amor
[vol.#6 2010.6.6@名古屋DIAMOND HALL]
13: winter
14: secret game
15: maze
16: canta per me
17: salva nos
18: where the lights are
[※vol.#6 2010.6.13@JCB HALL]
(DISC 2)
1: lotus
2: E.G.O.
3: I swear
4: heigen
[※vol.#7 2011.6.29 @NHK HALL]
5: the beginning of the end
6: the battle is to the strong
7: satoyama main theme
8: Credens justitiam
9: maybe tomorrow
[※vol.#8 2012.3.16@渋谷公会堂]
11: 銀の橋
[※vol.#9 DAY-1 2012.8.31@新国立劇場 中劇場]
12: the mercy of nature
13: first Love
14: carnaval in blue
15: We're Gonna Groove
[※vol.#9 DAY-2 2012.9.1@新国立劇場 中劇場]
17: paradise regained
[※vol.#9 DAY-3 2012.9.2 @新国立劇場 中劇場]
(DISC 3)
1: Distance
2: stone cold
3: うた
4: 優しい夜明け
5: Point Zero
6: let the stars fall down
7: Rainbow~Main Theme~
8: luminous sword
9: Historia:opening theme
10: voices silently sing
11: once upon a time there was you and me
12: Alone
13: Bloody rabbit
14: Contractor
15: the world
16: fake wings
17: Sweet Song
18: open your heart
[※vol.#10 Kaji Fes 2013.5.11@東京国際フォーラムA]


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